Clix Cup Review: Mission Point Wins!

This is something we all missed as it happened, but I thought it would be worth looking back on. Across all the tournaments Clix Cup weekend, three players won a total of FOUR matches with Mission Points.
The first win of the weekend was actually Ricky Kirk on Thursday Night's Casual event. In the first round, he managed to get a Mission Point win with the following team:
We didn't see another Mission Point victory until Sunday's 400 point Silver Age tournament. In the first round, Brandon Beirne succeeded with an Ares/AI Chase Photon build.
After Brandon's win, Kalder Ness (of Dial H for Heroclix fame) also got a Mission Point win in Round 1. As well, Kalder managed to get another MP win in Round 3, making him the only player to duplicate the feat all weekend.
None of them may have happened in 300 Modern but it is still quite incredible that three different players with different strategies were able to pull off what some have called "impossible."