Clix Yule 21 Day #1: CampaignClix

Posted December 21st, 2021 by Joe Pangrazio

So, for those that don't know, Clix Yule is a twelve day celebration I do at the end of the year. It is meant to be in the vein of Clixmas, which I hope Dishin Up Clix will be doing this year. Last year, it was twelve days of giveaways, with the winners being chosen from those that sign up for the Clix Nexus Patreon.

This year will have some of that. And I will mark those days appropriately, with the drawings being made in January. 

But we're also going to add some more fun to the mix. And today is just one of those days. And with that being said, I present to you...


CampainClix is a fan generated “campaign” style system meant to breathe life into older Heroclix figures, provide a one player experience and create tiers of play meant to both teach new players and challenge veteran players. If you click the above link, it will take you to the Google Drive folder where all current and future PDFs for CampaignClix will be made available completely free. 

I'm trying to create a system that is as flexible and fun as possible without just saying, "roll dice and KO things!" I know a lot of player wants a more engaging casual experience and this is an attempt to answer that need. As well, this creates a simple AI system so that you can play a solo game against yourself with more ease.

Right now there are three "modules" available as proof of concept. If this is popular, I already have plans for more modules down the road. Including "Mega-Modules" which can play as mini-campaigns within a larger over-arching game session.

And if this gets really popular, maybe I'll even build some "choose your own adventure" type modules.

The sky is the limit. So let's have some fun. 


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