Who the Clix? President's Day

The Following is mostly a work of satire. No offense is meant and hopefully none will be taken.
Who the Clix? is a series of articles featuring information on comic book characters that have been made into figures for the popular tabletop game Heroclix. These articles are meant to help Heroclix players learn more about the characters behind their favorite pieces.
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Appearances in Heroclix: Bioshock Infinite
First Appearance: Bioshock Infinite
Team Affiliations: Founders
Created by: Irrational Games

Character is copyright/trademark Irrational Games; used under Fair Use
In the alternate history world of Bioshock Infinite, the Confederates took to the skies after their defeat in the American Civil War. On their massive flying cities, they created a new civilization and rewrote their history. In their museums, they created large automatons to act as tour guides. When rebellion came to their floating city, many of these robots were repurposed into warrior robots. So it came to be that massive George Washingtons came to fight and protect the populace from that devil, Abraham Lincoln.
Appearances in Heroclix: Undead
First Appearance: April 15, 1865
Team Affiliations: The Zombie Union
Created by: Unknown

Character is copyright/trademark Wizkids; used under Fair Use
No one is quite sure who raised the corpse of Abraham Lincoln from the dead. Maybe it was a well meaning Union soldier dabbling in voodoo, maybe it was simply to will the unify a hurting nation. But Lincoln did indeed rise from his grave and lead waves of zombies on some grand mission lost to the sands of time.
Appearances in Heroclix: Undead
First Appearance: Our American Cousin
Team Affiliations: The Union
Created by: John Wilkes Booth

Character is copyright/trademark Wizkids; used under Fair Use
"But how can Lincoln be both a ghost AND a zombie?" Well, my friends, you see a zombie is merely the vessel given new motion. It is not the actual being resurrected. A ghost, on the other hand, is the spirit given new form. Usually through a need for vengeance. So, zombie Lincoln and ghost Lincoln are perfectly able to co-exist. But ghost Lincoln is likely haunting the hell out of John Wilkes Booth. As well he should.
Appearances in Heroclix: Wizkids
First Appearance: Mount Vernon
Team Affiliations: The Union
Created by: Unknown

Character is copyright/trademark Wizkids; used under Fair Use
You would think after 46 years of military and public service, that the ghouls could let poor George rest. But no, someone had to raise his cadaver up and set it loose on the country. And whoever did it is clearly a joker of some kind, handing him a trusty hatchet. But it's not cherry trees this monster is going to be chopping down.