Monthly Organized Play

Monthly Organized Play

Postby JoePanc » Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:49 pm



DC23-100 Starrophyte
[C] The ALIEN PARASITE effect is a trait (Image) and not a speed special power (Image).

DC23-103 Jack
[E] THE ARISTOCRATS OF CRIME: When an opposing character attacks Jack and misses him, after resolutions deal them 1 penetrating damage for each [DIAMOND] displayed on characters in your KO area.

WK DC23-b001 Ace
[C] This bystander's set symbol is [WK], its collector number is DC23-b001 and its point value is 10.

WK DC23-b002 Ten
[C] This bystander's set symbol is [WK], its collector number is DC23-b002 and its point value is 10.

WK DC23-b003 Jack
[C] This bystander's set symbol is [WK], its collector number is DC23-b003 and its point value is 10.

WK DC23-b004 Queen
[C] This bystander's set symbol is [WK], its collector number is DC23-b004 and its point value is 10.

WK DC23-b005 King
[C] This bystander's set symbol is [WK], its collector number is DC23-b005 and its point value is 20.



WKM-M001 Seacrh for Ammut's Tomb
[E] CLUE EFFECT: Ennead Archaeology - When a friendly character with a listed keyword is given an action, after resolutions, if they destroyed a piece of blocking terrain during that action, gain 1 Clue token.
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