Marvel Heroclix: Avengers Hellfire Gala Premium Collection 2

003 Scarlet Witch
[C] The Speed symbol on the dial section of the card should be
instead of
005 Falcon
[C] The Speed symbol on the dial section of the card should be
instead of
006 Captain Marvel
[C] The Speed symbol on the dial section of the card should be
instead of
007 Doctor Doom
[C] The Speed symbol on the dial section of the card should be
instead of
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[C] The Speed symbol on the dial section of the card should be

005 Falcon
[C] The Speed symbol on the dial section of the card should be

006 Captain Marvel
[C] The Speed symbol on the dial section of the card should be

007 Doctor Doom
[C] The Speed symbol on the dial section of the card should be

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