What are your "GOTTA HAVES" from the Black Panther Set?

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What are your "GOTTA HAVES" from the Black Panther Set?

Postby SLVRSR4 » Thu Oct 24, 2024 3:38 pm

Looking over this set list, there is just so much that I'm excited for and want to play with. What are your Top 3 figures from this set?

1.) Iron Heart Rare: I have a love/hate relationship with the Champions. I REALLY want to play them, but literally EVERY time that I've built a team to play with, something catastrophic happens and I end up having to cancel HeroClix at my venue that day and the team goes unused. Then there's the fact that they only ever get trickled out and never REALLY get a glut of them made at one time.

2.) Snowbird SR: I love Alpha Flight. they have the same problem as the Champions do about a trickling release rate. I'm looking forward to having another member to build with.

3.) White Tiger prime: She looks like she's going to be REALLY good. So much versatility. Plus?...big kitty! (Honorable mention goes to Ares because he's going to make her potentially BROKEN good!) Plus: FREE Diety!
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