by RobEng » Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:15 am
You did it! I was (once again) getting frustrated with HCRealms collection manager, came by here to see if there were any improvements, and was pleasantly surprised to see the ability to export your inventory collection as a CSV file. This was enough to embark on the arduous task of entering in my collection into ClixNexus. Working from the most modern to oldest sets, I am currently at the ABPI. A collection entry page (vs. having to looking up each figure and adjusting the values) would be a huge convenience but I am sure some work to code. A smaller enhancement might be linking the sub-dials to their parent figs. I just finished entering my collection for WCR and for a mini-set, it took a lot of time because each fig had 4 levels (base, faction version, base lower points, and faction lower points).
Bottom line, THANK YOU for your efforts on this front. I will be restarting (and probably upping) my previous Patreon support. Do ping me if direct support on improving the units section (monetary, design feedback, data entry, etc.) will be helpful.