Last Action Heroclix

Do you have a Youtube channel? A Podcast? Something else? This is the place for you to let the wonderful members of ClixNexus all about it.
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Last Action Heroclix

Postby DaBreezeO » Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:56 pm

The goal of the website is to provide timely event results, team builds, useful data, resources, and content for all players. When I entered the game it was difficult to learn the meta without going to an event and getting stopped by it. Our community freely shares a vast amount of information, but unless you are connected everywhere you'll never be able to get it all in a timely manner. This is where we are attempting to bridge the gap.

Here is everywhere that we interact:
Our Website is where you will find all the vital information.

Join our Discord where you can interact with our community.

Like our Facebook Page as we will be sharing helpful information found in the community, links to new content from our website, and notification of when we are streaming games of Heroclix.

Follow us on Twitch to watch live games, Roll20 games, ROC Online WAMs/Qualifiers, and hopefully, soon live in-store events.

Subscribe to our YouTube to view live games, streamed games, and hopefully soon live events.

Follow us on Twitter for retweets helpful information and notification of when we are going live streaming games of Heroclix.

Follow our Instagram to see photos of clix new and past, teams, and anything else worthy.

We do have a Patreon
to raise money to improve the quality and effieciency of everything we put out.
Check out Last Action Heroclix to find the latest event results, team builds, and performance data.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:26 pm
Location: Michigan

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